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Pokemon Heart Gold Soul Silver Batt
Kind of an easy battle, but awesome nonetheless. :D His team consists of: Pikach...
| 6.53 min. | 184671 views.

Pokemon Heart Gold and Soul Silver
The Ultimate Trainer Battle. Part 1...
| 9.93 min. | 172726 views.

Pokemon Heart Gold Soul Silver - Fi
final battle against red the pokemon master...
| 1.92 min. | 456307 views.

Pokemon Heart Gold and Soul Silver
| 8.52 min. | 12953 views.

Pokemon Heart Gold and Soul Silver
Official Music. This is what plays when you battle Lance at the end of the Pokem...
| 4.28 min. | 25331 views.

Pokemon Soul Silver - RED Battle
some people call this trainer 'RED' referring to his name is Silver Gold. Althou...
| 9.63 min. | 7823 views.

Pokemon Soul Silver: Red Battle
The only time I've decided to record myself playing Pokemon Soul Silver. After c...
| 8.25 min. | 1128 views.

Pokemon Soul Silver - Part 38 The F
Part 39 IS COMING soon (this isnt over yet)...
| 9.08 min. | 11312 views.

Pokemon Heart Gold and Soul Silver
He's the most powerful trainer in all of the pokemon games! Red's Pokemon: Pikac...
| 10.53 min. | 4063 views.

Pokemon Soul Silver Walkthrough Par
OMG! Epic Battle Vs. Trainer Red!!! *Expect a lot more Soul Silver videos coming...
| 10.98 min. | 121051 views.

Pokemon Heart Gold Soul Silver Cham
A sound track video of HeartGold SoulSilver. 122 views! HOLY CRUD! 214 views Tha...
| 2.67 min. | 4620 views.

Pokemon Heart Gold Soul Silver Cham
Lance and his 3 Haxnites brings back memories. Comment if you want me to upload ...
| 2.05 min. | 2807 views.
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