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Laura Chops Off Her Ponytail
Everyone Loves Watching Ponytails Getting Cut off...
| 1.92 min. | 15294 views.

Rotters Club
Beautiful blonde girl's ponytail cut off in one episode....
| 3.10 min. | 29036 views.

Longest Ponytail Cut Off
This perfect floorlength hair is pulled into a high ponytail and sawed off with ...
| 2.83 min. | 186394 views.

indian film pony tail cut off
girl mistakenly chops off very long pony tail...
| 3.28 min. | 45461 views.

Lee gets his ponytail cut off in fu
bye bye hair....lauran toner not a hairdresser nyway...
| 1.20 min. | 559 views.

Removing the Ponytail
Vivian gets her hair cut off for the first time since she was 3.......
| 1.00 min. | 14012 views.

Joe Saam Gets His Ponytail Cut
Mark Celio set out to raise $3500 by January 31st for Saint Vincent de Paul. The...
| 1.63 min. | 470 views.

George Parros Hair Cut at 2nd Annua
George Parros getting the hair cut... Transcript at first ponytail cut: "There y...
| 1.52 min. | 2661 views.

National Chief Phil Fontaine - Cuts
Redken Canada helps cut out child poverty and suffering one snip at a time First...
| 1.78 min. | 4819 views.

how to do a cute messy pony tail
this is how you do a cute messy pony tail this ahir style is very cute for kind ...
| 5.47 min. | 10840 views.

Kenny K gets his Ponytail Cut for L
On July 9th 2007 and after 5 years of uncontrollable growth and on the eve of a ...
| 9.05 min. | 4668 views.

Ponytail cut !!!
Losing a bet equals losing a ponytail!...
| 1.15 min. | 15154 views.
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