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The confrontation
Tim Gunn confronts Santino Rice about his TimGunn impression. From season 2 of P...
| 1.23 min. | 146354 views.

Project Runway - San does Michael K
She looks like.. like... A BABBOONS ASS EXPLODED ON HER BACK SIDE! XD...
| 0.98 min. | 138212 views.

Project Runway - Kara Saun, Andrae,
Designers former contestants Kara Saun, Andrae Gonzalo, Santino Rice talk about ...
| 2.33 min. | 3104 views.

Santino as Tim 2
From season 2 of Project Runway. Santino Rice's impression of Tim Gunn....
| 0.52 min. | 109833 views.

santino does the impression of tim
Project Runway, season 2 Santino does the impression of Tim...
| 1.23 min. | 755 views.

Project Runway's Santino at UCLA
Santino is a guest judge at UCLA's Resident Runway...
| 1.73 min. | 84 views.

Santino's space pants
Santino delivers a classic line from Project Runway Season 2....
| 0.08 min. | 8360 views.
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