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Prostate exam
This guys going to have to shit out his luck...
| 1.22 min. | 107992 views.

A Holiday Prostate Exam
Our demented view of a man's first visit to the doctor for his digital rectal ex...
| 3.02 min. | 12012 views.

What to Expect from a Prostate Exam
Many men are wary of having a prostate exam but it really is less an ordeal than...
| 2.35 min. | 27304 views.

the prostate checkup
humourous song about a prostate exam...
| 2.07 min. | 93240 views.

| 1.15 min. | 25098 views.

Prostate Exam
This is a humorous speech for the Toastmasters speech competition on getting a p...
| 6.37 min. | 18995 views.

Paging Dr. Assman: The Prostate Exa
This doctor had other plans for his patient's dental check up......
| 5.60 min. | 9109 views.

A Prostate Exam Means Staying Alive
Prostaid Calgary's television spot to promote prostate exams for all males enter...
| 0.52 min. | 1463 views.

Hamish and Andy - Fred Bassett - Pr
Andy is concerned for Hamish's health, so he calls a doc in to give him a check ...
| 0.73 min. | 1215 views.

Funny Prostate Exam
this guy might not be able to sleep after this type of check up and neither will...
| 1.27 min. | 354 views.

YC gives dino a prostate exam
After this, it stopped squeaking...
| 0.28 min. | 4160 views.

Alex has been betted $20 that he cant handle a prostate exam. Alex being dumb do...
| 7.18 min. | 7503 views.
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