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ToT)ret( Zerg StarCraft Tutorial 3
ToT)ret( goes over three of his replays, explaining the strategy and tactics beh...
| 17.65 min. | 6165 views.

Artosis[media] Terran StarCraft Tut
Artosis goes over two of his replays, explaining the strategy and tactics behind...
| 16.48 min. | 6756 views.

Starcraft - Protoss Vs. 7 Random Co
Please select "watch in High Quality" under the video I didn't cheat. This is so...
| 3.63 min. | 15082 views.

[HD] Starcraft 2 Beta FPVoD - Proto
Starcraft II Beta FPVoD Races: Protoss vs. Terran Map: Kulas Ravine Sorry the be...
| 5.72 min. | 1756 views.

Crota vs Hardhairy on Desert Oasis
From the StarCraft Beta Servers Part 2 Here: .youtube...
| 10.13 min. | 19600 views.

Crota vs Hardhairy on Desert Oasis
From the StarCraft Beta Servers...
| 7.50 min. | 20579 views.

Crota vs PhotoSynth on Blister Sand
A fight between Terran and Protoss on Blister Sands Good game with wide variety ...
| 4.87 min. | 22642 views.

Starcraft 2 First Gameplay - Protos
A gameplay Protoss versus Protoss (PvP) building up a big airforce. This test-vi...
| 4.42 min. | 1212 views.

50cal.Stalife Protoss StarCraft Tut
50cal.Stalife goes over two of his replays, explaining the strategy and tactics ...
| 20.25 min. | 45115 views.

StarCraft 2 Replay Protoss vs. Zerg
Jo das ist ein Replay von mir, wie ich gegen einen Zerg spiele. Das Video müsst...
| 10.30 min. | 19077 views.

50cal.Stalife Protoss StarCraft Tut
50cal.Stalife goes over two of his replays, explaining the strategy and tactics ...
| 17.83 min. | 11631 views.

Protoss vs Zerg Blasted Sands SC2 F
One of my first SC2 games finally uploaded. I'll be uploading many more games fr...
| 9.98 min. | 2493 views.
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