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#14 Devo - Q: Are We Not Men? A: We
Inspired by fROMIOWA and dropd24 I decided to post my all-time favorite albums. ...
| 3.67 min. | 75709 views.

Devo - Are We Not Men (Jocko Homo)
Devo Live- Are we not Men Jocko Homo...
| 2.18 min. | 14939 views.

Devo - Jocko Homo
From the album Devo Live: The Mongoloid Years given to me by .youtube It ...
| 6.35 min. | 11374 views.

#20 Devo - Gut Feeling Slap your Ma
Devo's debut is awesome - quintissential new wave. This band was proclaimed to b...
| 4.98 min. | 3425 views.

Devo, Jocko Homo (We Are Devo), Liv
Devo performs "Jocko Homo" (Are We Not Men? We Are Devo.), Live in Concert, Nove...
| 6.03 min. | 1385 views.

Devo - Q: Are We Not Men? (Live in
Devo performing the title track from "Q: Are We Not Men?" at the Vic Theater in ...
| 5.98 min. | 528 views.

Devo, Smart Patrol Mr. DNA, Live
Devo performs "Smart Patrol Mr. DNA", Live in Concert, November 2009, in San F...
| 7.03 min. | 648 views.

Devo, Uncontrollable Urge, Live in
Devo performs "Uncontrollable Urge", Live in Concert, November 2009, in San Fran...
| 3.60 min. | 1198 views.

Devo, Mongoloid, Live in Concert, N
Devo performs "Mongoloid", Live in Concert, November 2009, in San Francisco at t...
| 3.75 min. | 2453 views.

Devo, Gut Feeling, Live in Concert,
Devo performs "Gut Feeling", Live in Concert, November 2009, in San Francisco at...
| 4.40 min. | 1059 views.

Devo, Gates of Steel, Live in Conce
Devo performs "Gates of Steel", Live in Concert, November 2009, in San Francisco...
| 3.78 min. | 1300 views.

Devo Perform their first album 'Q: Are We Not Men? A: We Are Devo!. at the Phoen...
| 2.92 min. | 40 views.
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