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Surah Rahman - Beautiful and Heart
Download the video from here: .al-masumeen THE RECITOR IS SADAQAT ALI Pro...
| 22.25 min. | 6647850 views.

Amazing recitation of the Qur'an by
Absolutely amazing recitation of the Holy Qur'an by a young boy. It left me spee...
| 2.50 min. | 4603630 views.

World's Best Quran Recitation
Performed by Mr.Amin Pouya, Iran at the International Quran Competitions(First P...
| 7.20 min. | 1614264 views.

Beautiful Qur'an recitation
Beautiful Qur'an recitation of Surah A'raaf by Tawfeeg As Sayegh....
| 9.40 min. | 585958 views.

The Most Gracious - Qur'an Recitati
Chapter 55 of the Holy Qur'an, entitled "The Most Gracious", "Ar-Rahman" in tran...
| 8.82 min. | 1259372 views.
beautiful recitation by Mishary Rashed Alafasy reciting sura QAF....
| 8.67 min. | 417790 views.

Quran Recitation Fahd Al-Kanderi Ka
.egyptiangumbo This is a video that was taped during Ramadan 1426, It is ...
| 10.97 min. | 1721894 views.

SUBSCRIBE! New video every Thursday! Book of the week: "The Qur'an"...
| 3.15 min. | 486732 views.

Beautiful Quran recitation in Mosqu
Prayers in Kuwait Mosque. .turntoislam Sheikh al-'Afasy...
| 10.30 min. | 323158 views.

Young boy Umit Hussein Nejad reciti
Download this video from: .al-masumeen Name of child: UMIT HUSSEIN NEJAD ...
| 5.68 min. | 2071427 views.

[English Trans!]-Khatmul Quran Duaa
Bismillah Asalaamu ALaaikum wa Rahmatullah Alhamdulilah...after many hours of ha...
| 27.00 min. | 194050 views.

Quran Recitation Really beautiful a
.turntoislam -This is a beautiful recitation of Quran that brings shivers...
| 10.30 min. | 1410690 views.
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