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RO Renewal: Warlock Skills
This is a movie from kRO Renewal Server, where I tested some warlock skills. Ski...
| 4.27 min. | 45774 views.

Ragnarok Renewal: Some Warlocks Ski
Warlock: img.photobucket Champion: Low int, equipless White Smith: Full equi...
| 2.37 min. | 38324 views.

Minstrel & Wanderer Duets
Minstrel & Wanderer Duets in Ragnarok Renewal. Effects can be found at ro.doddle...
| 1.30 min. | 44170 views.

Warlock Skills
Warlock in Ragnarok Renewal. Skill descriptions can be found at ro.thisisafuntim...
| 2.63 min. | 174112 views.

Warlock In Rachel Sanctuary - Ragna
This is a video from the Korean Ragnarok Renewal server. Warlock Class...
| 3.95 min. | 27154 views.

RO Warlock Frost Misty & Lightning
KRO Renewal Server Warlock Class Level 107 Stats are 120+10 int and 98+12 dex Le...
| 1.28 min. | 29378 views.

Warlock PvM Ragnarok
I was bored yesterday and decided to make MY FIRST VIDEO EVER. A video of Warloc...
| 4.23 min. | 778 views.

Warlock lv.123 PvM SkillPlay (Rache
I was bored yesterday and decided to make MY FIRST VIDEO EVER. A video of Warloc...
| 4.15 min. | 2328 views.

Just a short video of my Warlock on Sakray Renewal....
| 4.02 min. | 2683 views.

Warlock en sakray Renewal - Comet
Probando la skill Comet en el servidor sakray test server, con un grupo numeroso...
| 0.70 min. | 16364 views.

Ragnarok Renewal Sura
Primer video ya vendran mejores :3 Sura 134 36...
| 1.75 min. | 36579 views.

Ragnarok Online - Third Classes
Click Here for New Pictures of Third Classes :D .youtube (It's the same a...
| 10.02 min. | 118349 views.
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