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Cedarmont Kids - Rise & Shine (Arky
Cedarmont Kids: Platinum Collection DVD...
| 2.13 min. | 22779 views.

Rise and Shine (Arky Arky)
Sunday School kids of Maranatha Full Gospel Church Toronto:)...
| 1.68 min. | 11458 views.

Rise n Shine arky arky song
Performed at the Roehampton Interfaith event!...
| 3.03 min. | 1934 views.

Rise and Shine (Arky, Arky)
From Stanford's Testimony A Cappella's Spring Show 2008, The Word of God: (Highl...
| 3.38 min. | 2971 views.

Cedarmont kids...
| 2.13 min. | 97 views.

Cedarmont Kids - Rise & Shine (Arky
Cedarmont Kids - Platinum Collection...
| 2.13 min. | 796 views.

Rise and Shine (Arky Arky)
3 gals whooping it up with Rise and Shine...
| 2.95 min. | 601 views.

Rise and Shine- piano
Rise and SHine-- Rise and Shine and give God the glory, glory Rise and Shine and...
| 0.93 min. | 504 views.

Rise Up Singing: Rise And Shine
(Song starts at 1:11) Sorry I've been away a few days! I'm back and singing stil...
| 5.37 min. | 1719 views.

Noah's Ark
Song- Arky Arky Just a video about Noah's Arky Arky lol......
| 3.00 min. | 17013 views.

Arky, Arky
Our chime choir played this song with a powerpoint slideshow illustrating it. Th...
| 3.25 min. | 26126 views.
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