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"The Roar of the Tiger" Maybach Eng
.tamiya .tamiya Saumur Tank Museum .musee-des-blindes.asso.fr ã...
| 1.30 min. | 170514 views.

Great Sounding Tiger Tank " Maybach
Tiger tank 131 has launched an appeal, to fund a major engine repair, the link i...
| 1.83 min. | 2443 views.

Panther Maybach Engine test.
This is a short video of a 1400 cu.in. Maybach V-12. This video is after a few t...
| 1.63 min. | 96508 views.

Click HQ Video...
| 4.67 min. | 1022 views.

GRH Panzer Lehr - weekend in Parola
Grup of Reenactment "Panzer Lehr" spend last weekend 02-04.10.2009 in Parola's M...
| 2.02 min. | 1116 views.

Kursk-A rugged start for the Panthe
The Panther first saw action at Kursk on 5 July 1943. Early tanks were plagued w...
| 2.97 min. | 2557 views.

Metallurgique Maybach in Sinsheim
zufí¤llig beim technik museum sinshein gefunden...
| 2.00 min. | 2751 views.

RC 1 16 Tamiya King Tiger on the Pr
Just having fun with the KT in the backyard. Showing the modified main gun recoi...
| 3.28 min. | 842 views.

Panther at Saumur 2008
The demonstration of the working Panther of the french tank museum of Saumur. La...
| 0.80 min. | 4655 views.

1 8th panther. first engine start u
this naughty panther has been in the work shop for some time, but has now got so...
| 1.00 min. | 508 views.

doc film about ww2 tanks ...Copyright Disclaimer: Under Section 107 of the Copyr...
| 3.02 min. | 15876 views.

Tigre II Musí©e des Blindí©s Saumur
Premier essai aprí¨s rí©paration .museedesblindes.fr...
| 3.43 min. | 16611 views.
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