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Trailer: The Twilight Saga: Eclipse
.thefancarpet Starring: Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Ashley Greene,...
| 1.52 min. | 10091 views.

Kristen Stewart Talks About Robert
No copyright intended, i own nothing. COMMENT AND SUBSCRIBE PLEASE x...
| 4.60 min. | 659 views.

Interview ll Robert Pattinson & Kri
Questions translated below: What do you prefer about the person next to you? Rob...
| 1.98 min. | 957191 views.

Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart
Twilight stars R-Pattz and K-Stew in an unlikely musical collaboration. A treat ...
| 1.45 min. | 239368 views.

She's My Lady (Robert Pattinson & K
For all you crazy Twilighters ;) I used different internviews + clips collected ...
| 4.22 min. | 592054 views.

Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart
Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart at party for the movie Twilight in westwood c...
| 5.73 min. | 895588 views.

Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewar
♥Robert&Kristen♥ First of all, i am REALLY SORRY about the cuting, i know so...
| 7.15 min. | 818983 views.

robert pattinson proposed kristen s
...jerk...lol! bu kut3..i love it whn he smiles.=)...
| 2.12 min. | 375159 views.

Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewar
This is their "almost" kiss from the MTV Movie Awards 2009. "Copyright Disclaime...
| 1.25 min. | 415819 views.

Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewar
OMG! The song is Here with me - Dido geez quite asking. Btw, this video was made...
| 4.30 min. | 2669051 views.

Will Kristen Stewart kiss Robert Pa
We ask Twilight: New Moon star Kristen Stewart who she'd like to kiss under the ...
| 1.40 min. | 374128 views.

Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart a
The cast of Twilight Saga: New Moon Robert pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor...
| 2.25 min. | 299260 views.
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