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Rucka Rucka Ali - Down
Rucka Rucka Ali's Back and songs about how youtube took down his top video...
| 3.80 min. | 254168 views.

Rucka Rucka Ali Bananapeels
Parody of Jordin Sparks Battlefield Get this song on itunes .myspace ruck...
| 4.03 min. | 164580 views.

Lady Gaga Paparazzi PARODY Emo (Lik
Get this song on itunes! .myspace Rucka Rucka Ali hollers at the sceneste...
| 4.38 min. | 34751 views.

Rucka Rucka Ali - Haiti Song -
This song is only a joke DO NOT TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY! I do not think anything of ...
| 3.32 min. | 35605 views.

Live Your Life PARODY Homeless! Fun
Rucka Rucka Ali Myspace: .myspace Rucka Rucka Ali youtube profile: .yo...
| 4.38 min. | 60009 views.

Britney Spears '3' PARODY Hippies A
Get this song on itunes! .myspace Rucka Rucka Ali, the artist who introdu...
| 3.67 min. | 67741 views.

Rucka Rucka Ali - I'm a Korean FULL
thanks rucka your songs are great you're a legend !!!...
| 4.73 min. | 104308 views.

Rucka Rucka Ali I Know A Black Guy
Rucka Rucka Ali's Parody Of Ne-Yo Ms. Indepentdent Get this song on itunes .m...
| 3.37 min. | 192883 views.

Kissy Face Song! Rucka Rucka Ali ft
send that bitch a kiss face :=)...
| 4.23 min. | 11196 views.

Rucka Rucka Ali Give a Jew Some Gol
Parody of Soulja Boys Kiss me thru the phone .myspace ruckaruckaali Get t...
| 3.58 min. | 108676 views.

Lady Gaga Just Dance PARODY!
Rucka Rucka Ali Myspace: .myspace Rucka Rucka Ali youtube profile: .yo...
| 2.92 min. | 37059 views.

Rucka Rucka Ali ~ Good Kids Smoke C
Ok kids, I'm sure you don't need me to tell you this but, CRACK IS BAD FOR YOU. ...
| 3.22 min. | 273025 views.
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