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sadest moment 50% who watched this
Death On 25 January 2004. The game was being broadcast live on television. Fehí©...
| 1.33 min. | 2248186 views.

The Fall Fifty Installment 10 (Mome
The Fall Fifty concludes with the top five moments of the Fall (Sept-Nov 08). He...
| 6.10 min. | 6489 views.

So Sad.. But So Strong!! Britney Sp
a sad compilation of Britney moments. but with a happy end!! CD's, a wordtour NO...
| 3.78 min. | 2989 views.

50 cent Feat Lloyd Banks & Eminem D
eminem MOcking bird lyrics Mockingbird I know sometimes things may not always ma...
| 3.60 min. | 72426 views.

♦Harry Hermione Draco Pauline♦
PLEASE READ! This video won 1st place in SkinnyBee0x's Contest:) Thank you so mu...
| 2.12 min. | 3816 views.

The Village- Noah is in love with I
Clips: The Village Song: Kiss the Rain—Yiruma Once again I beg you pardon for ...
| 4.35 min. | 1455 views.

†ღ†SACRIFICE †ღ†[For
â–¡â– â–¡â– â–¡â– â–¡â– â–¡â– â–¡â– Information â–¡â– â–¡â– â–¡â– â–¡â– â–¡â– â...
| 2.15 min. | 1084 views.

James Labrie Plans to Leave Dream T
UPDATE: Haha everyone is talking about how he's leaving now. I hope you guys fee...
| 1.50 min. | 46181 views.

Epic Nerd Fight, U-MAD?
Omg what a LOSER!...
| 7.42 min. | 4165 views.

Supernatural - For You Only
"I'm so far from home" This one took me quite a while, so I'd really apreciate i...
| 6.02 min. | 1151 views.

Memories of Mom: A Loving Journey i
This video was made to pay tribute to my mother, Charlotte Patricia Gray, who ma...
| 7.78 min. | 13144 views.

A Jonas Brothers Love Story--Chapte
*OMJ ITS THE SEASON FINALE!!!!! Check back in a week or so for next season's ope...
| 2.93 min. | 426 views.
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