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Retro Saturday Morning Commercials
Saturday morning commercials from 1988. -WTVR Channel 6 Station ID -Perfume Pret...
| 5.63 min. | 46064 views.

Classic Saturday Morning Commercial
From 16mm -- Saturday morning commercials featuring Chucklebug, Best of the West...
| 2.00 min. | 49393 views.

CBS Saturday Morning Commercials 19
List: 1. Fido Dido bumper (Slippers) 2. Credits to "Bill & Ted's Excellent Adven...
| 9.30 min. | 12783 views.

Retro Saturday Morning Commercials
Saturday morning commercials from 1988. -Tang -McDonalds--Gettin' Into the Rhyth...
| 5.00 min. | 23395 views.

Classic Saturday Morning Commercial
From 16mm --More Saturday morning gold featuring Hot Wheels, Crazy dancin' Barbi...
| 2.00 min. | 37617 views.

Classic Saturday Morning Commercial
From 16mm - More Classic Saturday morning commercials featuring Henry Fonda for ...
| 1.98 min. | 70600 views.

Retro Saturday Morning Commercials
Saturday morning commercials 1988 Cocoa Krispies--Fred Savage Fashion Star Filli...
| 4.77 min. | 22488 views.

Retro Saturday Morning Commercials
Retro Saturday morning commercials from 1988 ABC Commercial Bumper Golden Graham...
| 4.55 min. | 27853 views.

CBS Saturday Morning Commercials 19
1. Fido Dido Bumper (TV Antenna) 2. Barbie Hawaiian Ice Party 3. Crunch Berries ...
| 10.82 min. | 10286 views.

Fox Cartoon Saturday morning commer
The following was all taken from Saturday, November 19, 1994. -Fox Kids bumpers ...
| 9.87 min. | 39468 views.

Global TV Saturday Morning commerci
An assortment of spots which ran on Global TV during a broadcast of KIDSBEAT in ...
| 5.07 min. | 421 views.

Classic Saturday Morning Commercial
From 16mm - More gold from the Saturday morning mines featuring the famous "Mr. ...
| 2.00 min. | 91160 views.
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