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Seinfeld- The Woman with NO Bra!
attorney Jack Chiles listens to Kramer telling how he crashed his car after spot...
| 0.68 min. | 74755 views.

Seinfeld (Wheelchair conversation)
Plot: Jerry, Elaine, Kramer and George has went to the store to buy a TV to a fr...
| 0.68 min. | 22809 views.

Seinfeld: Cigar Store indian
i was watching this episode of seinfeld tlast night and nearly pissed myself whe...
| 3.03 min. | 20659 views.

Seinfeld - Half silk, half cotton,
End of Seinfeld episode "The Sniffing Accountant"...
| 0.42 min. | 6776 views.

seinfeld scene kramer smoke pipe ni
seinfeld, Pipe night...
| 1.07 min. | 85601 views.

Kramer and the Calzones
Kramer tries to get calzones for George..and ends up getting booted out of Paisa...
| 2.28 min. | 22560 views.

Kramer wants to die with dignity -
Cosmo Kramer and his ideas.... urlsnippy...
| 2.60 min. | 5368 views.

One of the best Seinfeld lines EVER
"I can't be with someone if I don't respect what they do..." "YOU'RE A CASHIER!!...
| 1.40 min. | 6849 views.

Seinfeld "The Kiss Hello"
One of my favorite clips from Seinfeld... And one of the most shocking....
| 0.77 min. | 16119 views.

Jerry finally gets Mulva's name...
| 0.80 min. | 22089 views.

Kramer - Underneath It All
you're something else ♥ xxxx...
| 5.08 min. | 14124 views.

Brenda Strong Photoshop Makeover
Software: Photoshop 7.0 Recorded using Camstudio. Please, rate and comment!...
| 3.80 min. | 128 views.
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