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emu sp1200
loop tricks for sp1200 sampler...
| 1.87 min. | 90064 views.

Pete Rock making beats on SP1200
Highlights from the Soul Survivor studio documentary: .youtube...
| 3.10 min. | 21026 views.

SP 1200 Beat Making
Mattech on da SP 1200 .myspace mattech1200...
| 3.55 min. | 86226 views.

Gin Joints on the SP1200 #1
Edited down for obvious reasons. .discotheque.se .myspace genvagen ...
| 5.35 min. | 800 views.

J.FORCE lacin' a beat on the SP-120
J.FORCE knocks out a beat in one take on the SP1200. The record FORCE scratches ...
| 1.57 min. | 20781 views.

DJ Quik on SP1200, MPC60, & MPC3000
Quik speaks very eloquently about 3 of the samplers he's used throughout his pro...
| 2.27 min. | 80102 views.

100208_DJ JUSAKANMURI on The SP1200
freestyle@16pad DRUMLOOPROOM STUDIO....
| 1.35 min. | 516 views.

Ski Beatz - the making of Jay-Z's "
Ski Beatz in the studio showing you exactly what he did to create the beat for J...
| 4.92 min. | 366840 views.

nick tha 1da on the sp-1200
how to start a foundation on the Emu sp-1200...
| 4.37 min. | 36182 views.

The Original SP1200 Drum Machine Pr
Demo of this og test unit from the bay area ca. home of Emu systems the creator ...
| 9.62 min. | 14824 views.

ICEROCKS DXA on SP-1200 and MPC 300
WATCH IN HD ICEROCKS DXA on the E-MU SP-1200 and Akai MPC 3000 showing the makin...
| 7.38 min. | 9324 views.

Surock's SP1200 Beat Tape Teaser!!
I decided to put out a beat tape with only sp1200 joints. For those that dont kn...
| 2.55 min. | 1987 views.
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