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Modern Warfare 2: Spas 12 Ownage -
Video showing you guys how I use this awesome shotgun. Don't judge the Spas unti...
| 6.33 min. | 186910 views.

Modern Warfare 2: Spas-12 TDM on Sk
.youtube Click this to watch Modern Warfare 2 gameplay by Tejb! Modern Wa...
| 6.33 min. | 464887 views.

Modern Warfare 2 Domination 4 Spas-
Whad dudes! Check me out on WTG: .youtube set up. spas-12 - mp5k - marath...
| 8.30 min. | 48027 views.

Modern Warfare 2 - Spas-12
Not an amazing clip by any means, I just wanted to show off a shotgun a bit to a...
| 1.40 min. | 24457 views.

Modern Warfare 2 Domination 6 Knife
set up: mp5k - spas-12 - marathon pro - lightweight - ninja pro semtex. how many...
| 9.52 min. | 105958 views.

Modern Warfare 2: Spas-12 TDM on Sk
.youtube Click this to watch Modern Warfare 2 gameplay by Tejb! Modern Wa...
| 6.33 min. | 120743 views.

Modern Warfare 2: Spas-12 on Sub Ba
.youtube Click this to watch more MW2 videos! Modern Warfare 2: Spas-12 o...
| 4.88 min. | 60006 views.

Modern Warfare 2 :: Shotgun Montage
this is a shotgun montage i made from 2 days of gameplay hope you like it ;D LOT...
| 2.72 min. | 79794 views.

Modern Warfare 2 Domination #15 HD
Please support the following channels: scoooobymw2 .youtube KC .youtub...
| 8.77 min. | 18857 views.

Modern warfare 2 - S&D Spas-12 redt
-------------- Gametype: Search and Destroy Class: Spas-12 Gold deagle Thumper P...
| 7.77 min. | 4741 views.

Modern Warfare 2 - Spas-12 Minitage
This vid was posted by 5 channels already, so you might have seen it. But for th...
| 2.70 min. | 540 views.

Modern Warfare 2 - Team Deathmatch
pyrotoz.yolasite Alright that's the link to my worthless website where you c...
| 8.35 min. | 13222 views.
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