Enema Instruction
.yourmedsupplies The nurse shows the doctor how an inflatable nozzle work...
| 4.48 min. | 43281 views.
How to Give an Enema
.highcolonic.info This is a demonstration of how to give yourself an enema....
| 2.50 min. | 26061 views.
First Stonefox Enema
.stonefoxproductions Maura talks with Sabrina about her first Stonefox en...
| 4.37 min. | 8871 views.
Jesse's First Enema
.stonefoxproductions Nurse Sabrina talks to Jesse about what to expect du...
| 3.47 min. | 25613 views.
Rectal Exam
.proctoscopeexam A rectal exam is done with a proctoscope....
| 3.22 min. | 198282 views.
Enema on the Job Training
.lowergiseries Nurse Anika teaches Nurse Sabrina how to prepare an enema....
| 3.78 min. | 28445 views.
Enemas Til Clear
.highcolonic.info Renee is taken to the treatment room to be given a series o...
| 1.93 min. | 30769 views.
Enema Video
.highcolonic.info Betty talks about getting her first ever enemas as part of ...
| 3.35 min. | 342781 views.
Pelvic Exam
.rectovaginalexam A patients talks about her previous pelvic exams....
| 1.63 min. | 2542432 views.
Pelvic Exam and Enema
.my-enema Jessica talks about what it was like to get her first enema and...
| 4.13 min. | 5 views.

"Stone Fox Breakdown" (Gussow and B
Music video for the 2008 harp-hop single by Adam Gussow (USA) and Ben Bouman (Th...
| 5.58 min. | 9941 views.
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