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Footage of Taliban attack in Lahore
CCTV footage has been released showing one of a series of Taliban attacks on pol...
| 1.42 min. | 626548 views.

AFGHANISTAN - Taliban Attack
AFGHAN WAR FOOTAGE...Caution Explicit Language & Content. Viewer Dicrestion is a...
| 4.20 min. | 396 views.

AFGHANISTAN - Taliban Attack #2
AFGHAN WAR FOOTAGE...Caution Explicit Language & Content. Viewer Dicrestion is a...
| 1.80 min. | 349 views.

Taliban attack US Britshit jets & G
Afghan Taliban donot have Advanced Weapons to fight Afghan Freedom???...
| 6.12 min. | 13842 views.

New Video of Organized Taliban Atta
Footage from July 13, 2008, reveals a deadly Taliban attack on US soldiers. For ...
| 3.15 min. | 64994 views.

Afghanistan War - Taliban Attack US
| 7.17 min. | 40731 views.

Taliban's attack in Lashkar Gah
Taliban fighters launched an assault on government buildings and the United Nati...
| 1.50 min. | 6611 views.

US Soldiers Defending Against Talib
The fighting is fiercer then ever other there. Good luck to all you soldiers and...
| 3.50 min. | 73022 views.

Afghanistan, Pech valley: COP Michi
A single day in the beautiful but deadly hills of the Pech valley, eastern Afgha...
| 10.47 min. | 3649 views.

Taliban attack #4
| 9.05 min. | 3445 views.

Taliban Attack On COP Najil
A mortar squad in rapid fire action, firing WP and HE rounds from a 120 MM morta...
| 6.17 min. | 7995 views.

Afghanistan War - Mujahideen Tali
| 5.02 min. | 18628 views.
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