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Chicago street fight Trish Stratus
wwe divas Chicago street fight Trish Stratus vs Victoria...
| 9.98 min. | 23255 views.

Trish Stratus VS Victoria
A RAW Match between this 2 great divas...
| 4.85 min. | 39130 views.

RARE Trish Stratus and Goldust vs.V
This is what it says it is, Trish Stratus and...GOLDUST!? well yeah vs. Steven R...
| 8.55 min. | 46656 views.

Lita and Trish Stratus vs Victoria
October 13th, 2003...
| 7.58 min. | 41300 views.

WWE Diva Hardcore Match Trish Strat
WWE Diva Hardcore Match Trish Stratus VS Victoria...
| 9.33 min. | 16183 views.

Trish Stratus vs Victoria(Candice)
Torrie do the nose job at the end of the match...
| 6.27 min. | 53919 views.

Trish Stratus vs Ivory w Victoria a
Trish Stratus (c) vs Ivory in a non-title match.. This was during the legendary ...
| 6.62 min. | 27657 views.

WWE 2006 : Ahsley & Trish Stratus v
January 23 - Charlotte, NC credits:forever-ashley...
| 6.18 min. | 12995 views.

WWE Smackdown vs Raw - Trish Stratu
| 6.22 min. | 5539 views.

Lita vs Trish Stratus vs Victoria v
*WATCH IN HIGH QUALITY* ADD &fmt=18 #1 CONTENDERS MATCH *This video belongs to t...
| 5.17 min. | 28295 views.

Trish Stratus vs Jazz vs Victoria [
Trish Stratus vs Jazz vs Victoria for the WWE Women's Championship at WrestleMan...
| 10.43 min. | 10075 views.

wwe trish stratus vs victoria
ashley was with trish at the side and candice and torrie with vistoria but the b...
| 9.27 min. | 1988 views.
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