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Aaron Lewis - Turn the Page (Mohega
Uncasville, Connecticut February 22, 2008 You can get this and many other videos...
| 6.63 min. | 58598 views.

Aaron Lewis Live acoustic cover Tur
Aaron Lewis Live acoustic Mohegan 2008 Turn the page cover...
| 5.77 min. | 67127 views.

Staind - Aaron Lewis - Turn the Pag
Aaron Lewis singing a cover of Bob Segers Turn the Page LIVE at the New England ...
| 5.60 min. | 14385 views.

Turn The Page Aaron Lewis Live Turn
Aaron Lewis covers "Turn The Page" from Bob Seger February 21, 2009 in Verona NY...
| 5.40 min. | 1978 views.

Aaron Lewis- Turn the page by Metal
Aaron Lewis- Turn the page by Metallica (acoustic) Turning Stone 2.12.10 late sh...
| 5.82 min. | 734 views.

Aaron Lewis - Turn the Page Bob Seg
Aaron Lewis doing an AMAZING cover of "Turn the Page". WOW He's a marvel when he...
| 5.63 min. | 4792 views.

Staind - Aaron Lewis - Turn The Pag
Staind - Aaron Lewis - Turn The Page - Belfast Sept 2008 [Bob Segar cover]...
| 4.53 min. | 2864 views.

Aaron Lewis Covering Turn the Page
Aaron Lewis covering turn the page aug 19th at the hard rock cafe in times squar...
| 5.50 min. | 2049 views.

Aaron Lewis performs "Turn the Page
Aaron Lewis of Staind Performs a cover of 'Turn the Page' acoustic in Tupelo, MS...
| 1.50 min. | 1886 views.

Aaron Lewis Medley of Songs and par
My camera died during Turn the Page!!!!! But still, you get the idea. Turning St...
| 7.03 min. | 849 views.

Staind Aaron Lewis cover "Turn the
Staind in Lansing MI...
| 5.30 min. | 2007 views.

Staind (Aaron Lewis), Turn the Page
Turn the Page performed by Aaron Lewis of Staind, July 20, 2008, at the Saratoga...
| 5.40 min. | 2116 views.
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