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Hilarious Phone Call Vibrator Recal
Phone Call Joke...
| 4.10 min. | 1774 views.

Unpacking new Alarm Clock & Phone s
Unpacking new Alarm Clock & Phone signaler w super vibrator. It's user for deaf...
| 2.18 min. | 1959 views.

Moving Mini Insect Robot Designed U
Moving Mini Insect Robot Designed Using Mobile Phone Vibrator Motor and Microcon...
| 1.73 min. | 826 views.

lol watch this!!...
| 0.73 min. | 91199 views.

MY DOG NICKED MY MOTHERS VIBRATOR (The Most Hilarious Radio Phone-In Ever)...
| 10.10 min. | 86 views.

Vibrator phone (.testgsm.pl)
Åšmieszna reklama...
| 0.75 min. | 28534 views.

Grandma's New Phone
Funny toy clip...
| 0.60 min. | 934 views.

MY DOG NICKED MY MOTHERS VIBRATOR (The Most Hilarious Radio Phone-In Ever)...
| 10.10 min. | 47 views.

Prank Call - Dog ate Vibrator
Looks like an owner of a dog has swallowed an interesting vibrating object. List...
| 3.97 min. | 4522 views.

Granny's Phone Call
A commercial of a grandmother picking up a vibrator thinking it was a phone....
| 0.60 min. | 431 views.

Wrong Phone
Woman answers vibrator instead of mobile...
| 0.72 min. | 2551 views.

Vibrator Recall Prank
Prank phone call set up by her bf. tsk tsk....
| 5.18 min. | 9011 views.
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