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jazzys hood piercing.
oohhh man.. i so have big balls for doing this shit. it better pay off....
| 1.27 min. | 22271 views.
hood piercing
i got my hood done... lol ya self explanitory...
| 1.20 min. | 61575 views.
my vertical hood piercing!
this is me getting my hood pierced. (VCH) It was a real intense pain but it didn...
| 1.90 min. | 17625 views.

VCH Piercing Number Two!! My Second
This shows my reaction to the numbing. It hurt lol. I still felt the needle goin...
| 1.95 min. | 70276 views.

new piercing
I got my WHAT pierced!?!? Thats right ladies and gents.... Needful Thing in Down...
| 4.77 min. | 202416 views.
hood piercing!
This hurt a bit not gunna lie! Was my first Major piercing...soooo worth the pai...
| 1.97 min. | 103787 views.

Hurricane Tattoo and Body Piercing
This video will cover all bases of how to take care of your brand new body pierc...
| 5.35 min. | 2308 views.

New Jadakiss album release intervie
thugacated New Jadakiss Interview With StreetHeat on the day of his album re...
| 10.73 min. | 4560 views.
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