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A&E - Cold Case Files 04 Pt.1
Cold Case Files: The Answer in the Box Maternal Instinct: Police solve the kil...
| 9.95 min. | 43168 views.

A&E - Cold Case Files 88 Pt. 1
A Brother's Burden The Midnight Attacker: A police officer helps solve an 18-yea...
| 9.98 min. | 63036 views.

A&E - Cold Case Files 88 Pt. 2
A Brother's Burden The Midnight Attacker: A police officer helps solve an 18-yea...
| 9.62 min. | 32180 views.

A&E - Cold Case Files 88 Pt. 3
A Brother's Burden The Midnight Attacker: A police officer helps solve an 18-yea...
| 9.12 min. | 27974 views.

A&E - Cold Case Files 01x04 Pt. 3
Interrogation Slide: A heartless mother and an innocent girl are the focus of th...
| 9.17 min. | 26754 views.

A&E - Cold Case Files - The Zodiac
With access to the San Francisco Police Department's work, including saliva samp...
| 8.78 min. | 38653 views.

A&E - Cold Case Files 04 Pt.2
The Answer in the Box Maternal Instinct Police solve the killing of an 11-year...
| 9.38 min. | 27448 views.

A&E - Cold Case Files 01x04 Pt. 4
Interrogation Slide - A heartless mother and an innocent girl are the focus of t...
| 7.57 min. | 23910 views.

A&E - Cold Case Files - The Zodiac
With access to the San Francisco Police Department's work, including saliva samp...
| 6.87 min. | 27098 views.

A&E - Cold Case Files 01x04 Pt. 2
Interrogation Slide - A heartless mother and an innocent girl are the focus of t...
| 9.87 min. | 31753 views.

A&E - Cold Case Files 88 Pt. 4
A Brother's Burden The Midnight Attacker: A police officer helps solve an 18-yea...
| 8.13 min. | 19885 views.

A&E - Cold Case Files - The Zodiac
With access to the San Francisco Police Department's work, including saliva samp...
| 7.10 min. | 24567 views.
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