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Extended Matt Smith Interview - Doc
.bbc.co.uk Matt Smith has been cast in the role of the Doctor in the iconic B...
| 5.70 min. | 653417 views.

Meet the New Doctor... on Doctor Wh
.bbc.co.uk The new Doctor was revealed to be Matt Smith on BBC One on Saturda...
| 0.40 min. | 263053 views.

New Doctor Who Trailer featuring th
.bbc.co.uk Meet the Eleventh Doctor and his new companion, Amy Pond, in this ...
| 1.10 min. | 594958 views.

Doctor Who: Series 5 Preview - BBC
.bbc.co.uk The new series of Doctor Who starts later this year. It stars Matt...
| 1.17 min. | 866987 views.

Doctor Who Related: Matt Smith (The
The new Doctor for all to see in Ruby in the Smoke...
| 1.37 min. | 2438 views.

Doctor Who Realted: Matt Smith (The
The new Doctor for all to see in The Shadow in the North....
| 1.75 min. | 30415 views.

Doctor who - 11th doctor - Everybod
Ok I still haven't accepted Matt as the doctor yet, but he did an amazing job in...
| 1.40 min. | 2447 views.

Doctor Who: Regeneration (All the D
A compilation of all the Doctor's regenerations from 1963 - 2010, including 10th...
| 9.42 min. | 78406 views.

Doctor Who - Unreleased Music: The
Music from the Doctor who episode, the Eleventh Hour (Track three) The action-pa...
| 4.75 min. | 68089 views.

The Eleventh Doctor Part 1 (HD) - D
Copyright BBC. I do not own this video. Doctor Who Confidential David Tennant, M...
| 9.88 min. | 6101 views.

New Doctor Who Figures: The 11th Do
A video showing pictures of the new 11th Doctor's Crash set which features the "...
| 1.78 min. | 2310 views.

New Doctor Who Figures: The 11th Do
Hi guys, sorry I haven't done a video for a while. Anyway, here is a video of th...
| 1.60 min. | 4785 views.
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