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How To Put Games on Your R4DS (Tuto
SIGN UP HERE FOR FREE STUFF!!! .points2shop This will show you how to get...
| 8.65 min. | 55937 views.

How to Put Games onto your R4 DS!
This video will teach you how to to put games onto your R4 DS. Here are the step...
| 3.65 min. | 47786 views.

How to put games on your R4 DSi car
1) First you need to go to download the software that you will need on the micro...
| 4.33 min. | 65426 views.

How To Download Games For You're TT
A R4 is a special device that lets you download games on the R4 cartridge,and in...
| 4.90 min. | 49924 views.

How to install games on r4
How to install games on r4 where to download games: ds.rom-news.org where to get...
| 3.40 min. | 4341 views.

R4 Ultimate Beginners Guide Tutoria
Hi this video is an update to my first video on how 2 set up your R4 card with a...
| 9.95 min. | 64523 views.

How to download FREE games for R4 R
For game downloads = nds.hkorz PLEASE SUBSCRIBE, COMMENT, RATE AND CHECK OUT...
| 7.33 min. | 4938 views.

Where to Download r4 games
Hi this is my first video. Rom Downloads:nds.hkorz...
| 5.60 min. | 1071 views.

how to download games for R4DS
this is just for people who are trying to learn if you know how to and you comme...
| 5.33 min. | 4946 views.

how to put ds games onto your R4
for this you are going to need a torent downloader which are: bittorrent, botlor...
| 6.22 min. | 72985 views.

How to download DS games for R4 M3
THIS IS FOR EDUCATION PURPOSES ONLY. LINK: .hkorz This is a video on how ...
| 7.28 min. | 19347 views.

How to download games onto the r4
This is how to download games onto the r4. Comment if you have questions!...
| 5.65 min. | 158686 views.
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