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Wireless Electricity - witricity Sh
Eric Giler showcases Wireless Technology at TED Conference July 2009...
| 4.27 min. | 15410 views.

| 5.35 min. | 15176 views.

Wireless electricity - from BBC...
| 1.53 min. | 39117 views.

Occasionally I go places and forget to bring the old ball and chain with me. I a...
| 4.02 min. | 13754 views.

WITRICITY BY VIT, VELLORE.... FIRST IN INDIA....third in the world... the setup ...
| 1.28 min. | 1266 views.

Witricity made possible!!! A very s
| 1.53 min. | 882 views.

Witricity for the first time in Ind
| 3.38 min. | 311 views.

Witricity Wireless Electricity by C
To learn more about evs electric-vehicles-cars-bikes.blogspot Witricity Wire...
| 1.55 min. | 1807 views.

witricity presentation
| 8.85 min. | 450 views.

Rodin coil witricity
Rodin 360 coil sending wireless electricity to an led hooked up to a bifilar coi...
| 0.68 min. | 1479 views.

GCO: World's First Completely Wirel
Gadgetology Checks Out: David from witricity explains how his company pulled off...
| 5.97 min. | 177 views.
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