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Beautiful Ballet - Energy Workout
Beautiful Ballet - Energy Workout Label:F1 Team Catalog#:P 631 Format:Vinyl, 7...
| 6.63 min. | 1545 views.

Jane Fonda's Original Workout - Adv
The intro and warmup to the Advanced Workout on Jane Fonda's Original Workout fr...
| 8.43 min. | 144486 views.

Jazzercise - Move your Boogie Body
Judi Sheppard Misset & freinds working out to "Move your Boogie Body" by the Bar...
| 3.92 min. | 672063 views.

Jane Fonda's Original Workout - Beg
The arm and waist sections of the Beginners' Workout on Jane Fonda's Original Wo...
| 8.35 min. | 53384 views.

Erin Gray Workout Rick Schroder Ric
Clip from 1982's Silver Spoons with Erin Gray in workout costume....
| 2.25 min. | 7870 views.

Jane Fonda's Original Workout - Beg
Intro and Beginners' Warm-up from Jane Fonda's Original Workout video from 1982....
| 7.20 min. | 101554 views.

Jane Fonda's Original Workout - Beg
The buttocks and cool-down sections of the Beginners' Workout on Jane Fonda's Or...
| 6.75 min. | 35722 views.

Jane Fonda's Original Workout - Adv
The floor waist section of the Advanced Workout on Jane Fonda's Original Workout...
| 3.73 min. | 26251 views.

Jane Fonda's Original Workout - Beg
Leg & Hip section of the Beginners' Workout on Jane Fonda's Original Workout fro...
| 7.58 min. | 32692 views.

Jane Fonda's Original Workout - Adv
The adbominal section of the Advanced Workout on Jane Fonda's Original Workout f...
| 8.08 min. | 25754 views.

Jane Fonda's Original Workout - Adv
The second part of the leg & hip section, and the buttocks section, of the Advan...
| 9.53 min. | 28918 views.

Jane Fonda's Original Workout - Beg
The abdominal section of the Beginners' Workout on Jane Fonda's Original Workout...
| 4.50 min. | 34260 views.
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