
XBox 360 Vs Plasma HDTV
Game NBA 2K7 Em alta definiçí£o. Plasma Philips HDTV 1024 X 768.PLASMA 42" Phil...
| 4.10 min. | 14377 views.

Forza Motorsport 3 on My Diy Projec
My diy Projector on VGA cable 1024 x 768 resoloution...
| 5.40 min. | 1024 views.

Zi6 0053
My setup! (Not so impressive but whatever) 17" Macbook Pro 2.33Ghz 3Gb Ram 320Gb...
| 3.47 min. | 783 views.

Terminator Salvation PC gameplay 88
Hi!!! short video showing gameplay on pc. Nice game, very similar to Gears of Wa...
| 8.70 min. | 1246 views.
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