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Yamaha FZ6 Fazer
I bought my new Yamaha FZ6 S2 today. Great bike, great poise and sits on the roa...
| 1.58 min. | 86084 views.

2007 YAMAHA FZ6 S2
The Official Yamaha Motor Europe FZ6 S2 movie...
| 1.93 min. | 395711 views.

Yamaha FZ6 Fazer with Two Brothers
We tested the amazing sound of Two Brothers exhaust mufflers on my 2006 Yamaha F...
| 0.67 min. | 294848 views.

2008 Yamaha FZ6 Fazer S2 (FZ-Series
The official promo movie for the 2008 Yamaha FZ6 Fazer S2 of Yamaha Motor Europe...
| 1.00 min. | 189352 views.

| 1.72 min. | 177706 views.

YAMAHA FZ6 249 km h
YAMAHA FZ6 249 km h...
| 1.80 min. | 6089 views.

Yamaha FZ6 Fazer Devil Exhaust (GOD
2005 Yamaha Fazer awesome sound with devil carbon silencers.Better than akra&yos...
| 0.78 min. | 215746 views.

Yamaha FZ6-S2 First Start 2009
Yamaha FZ6-S2...
| 2.70 min. | 22847 views.

Yamaha FZ6 Scorpion Exhaust
My Friends Yamaha FZ6 Motorcycle, with a new Scorpion exhaust on it....
| 1.68 min. | 51194 views.

Yamaha FZ6 Ride
Bit of a ride aboard a 2008 Yamaha FZ6. Diablo Strada rubber....
| 2.23 min. | 3773 views.

yamaha FZ6 on highway (sebring exha
wicked ride on Rimini-Milan highway: myself on my Doctor-devoted FZ6...
| 0.52 min. | 83647 views.
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