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Home Fitness Tips : How to Do the S
Being able to do the splits takes time, good posture and stretching over time. D...
| 1.57 min. | 144723 views.

Learn How To Do The Splits Video Tu
fitforafeast Learn how to do the splits in this video tutorial. Do the leg s...
| 3.50 min. | 137680 views.

How to do the splits!! (simple tuto
SUBSCRIBE!! ............... HOW TO DO THE SPLITS!! This is a very simple tutoria...
| 2.50 min. | 103360 views.

Learn how to do the splits (2)
again, this is an easy tecnique used to do the splits, as my friend hannah demon...
| 0.65 min. | 269657 views.

How to Do the Splits - Yoga PNF Str
.YogaBodyNaturals Yoga flexibility and stretching exercise videos and res...
| 3.65 min. | 3742 views.

Get into the Front Splits Fast! - H
.frontsplitsfast Hi Guys! We all know how important it is to improve our ...
| 8.25 min. | 24616 views.

Santino Marella tries to do the spl
On Raw 12 1 08 Santino tries the splits...and well not so good...
| 3.08 min. | 165487 views.

Split Tutorial for beginners (Engli
Split Tutorial for beginners, It's good for Martial Artists (Taekwondo, Wushu, K...
| 4.78 min. | 9665 views.

How To Do the Splits Tutorial
Make sure to do all the stretches before doing the splits. If you don't, you cou...
| 4.73 min. | 14753 views.

How to do the Splits
This is an easy way to learn how to do the splits...just by stretching! - okaay ...
| 7.93 min. | 78007 views.

How To Do The Splits
Lauren teaches you how to do the splits PERFECTLY! An easy fun way of learning h...
| 1.65 min. | 4600 views.

Fitness Lesson #10: Training to do
You must hold every stretch for at least a full 30 seconds. I am not doing that ...
| 8.22 min. | 7512 views.
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