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Climate Crock Sacks Hack Attack Par
Climate deniers have been making a lot of noise about a set of stolen emails fro...
| 8.90 min. | 39871 views.

Climate Denial Crock of the Week- "
"I looked outside, and it was snowing, therefore, there is no climate change." I...
| 6.33 min. | 21361 views.

Climate Denial Crock of the Week -
Could the scientists at Nasa, the National academy of science, the American Mete...
| 5.93 min. | 12479 views.

Climate Denial Crock of the Week -
Find out what a straw man argument is, and how the most spectacular cherry pick ...
| 8.97 min. | 23481 views.

Climate Denial Crock of the Week -
Climate Deniers S. Fred Singer and Dennis Avery make their living by confusing a...
| 6.77 min. | 13895 views.

Climate Denial Crock of the Week -
One of the enduring classics of denialism, "Global warming stopped in 1998", is ...
| 6.30 min. | 15823 views.

Climate Denial Crock of the Week -
Deniers often will tell you that CO2 is a good thing, because it makes plants an...
| 7.87 min. | 14165 views.

Climate Denial Crock of the Week -
The so called Medieval Warming Period is an article of faith among deniers. But ...
| 5.80 min. | 16541 views.

Climate Denial Crock of the Week -
A favorite hobby horse of Climate Denialists is that there is some kind of invis...
| 4.98 min. | 12769 views.

The Video Climate Deniers Tried to
"Climate Denial Crock of the Week" is the video series that takes on the myths o...
| 8.12 min. | 38849 views.

Creepy at the EPA
In june of 2009, a story surfaced about the alleged suppression by the US EPA of...
| 9.57 min. | 16806 views.

The Big Swindle Movie
When the Great Global Warming Swindle was first broadcast - climate deniers thou...
| 8.77 min. | 29285 views.
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