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Starcraft 2 Beta Gameplay (HD) Maxe
Starcraft 2 Beta (HD) This is my first game playing as Terran. Twitter: @Zeitgei...
| 23.07 min. | 367513 views.

StarCraft 2 Beta Map: Wacky Race v1
Oh goodness, what a wacky race! This is a map I made in the SC2 beta editor, the...
| 2.10 min. | 345633 views.

No Starcraft 2 Beta key! : (
Here is a litte song I wrote, you might want to sing it note for note, but don´...
| 4.60 min. | 243933 views.

IGN Daily Fix, 2-18: StarCraft 2 Be
See more IGN videos at video.ign - The Star Craft 2 beta is here, Civilizati...
| 1.88 min. | 57393 views.

Starcraft 2 Beta KHB (P) vs Artosis
In this match KHB rushed with a mothership of all things and really shows off so...
| 9.97 min. | 390536 views.

StarCraft 2 Beta Crazy Zergling Rus
A silly video I did against the CPU where I basically set up a benchmark type re...
| 7.38 min. | 392436 views.

Starcraft 2 Beta - Proxy Hatchery 1
Platinum level play, off-the-wall strategies!...
| 6.02 min. | 26420 views.

Starcraft 2 Beta: Unbeatable Protos
Unbeatable Protoss 1v1 Strategy for Starcraft 2. Proven to work 100% of the time...
| 6.70 min. | 149299 views.

HD Starcraft 2 PainUser v Gretorp p
| 9.25 min. | 115378 views.

Starcraft 2 Beta - orb's FF Psi Sto
| 3.47 min. | 71964 views.

HDH Invitational: IdrA v NonY g3 p1
Sponsors Website: thelittleappfactory...
| 7.67 min. | 107535 views.

How to get a Starcraft 2 beta key +
**WARNING** I have STILL YET to get my beta key from gamestop, those bastards! I...
| 1.35 min. | 15737 views.
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