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The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princ
Thefollowing content was created by me using my own game disks or cartridges. Un...
| 3.55 min. | 135769 views.

Zelda Twilight Princess On Dolphin
This is a demo of me playing Zelda - Twilight Princess on the old version of Dol...
| 1.83 min. | 167064 views.

Zelda Twilight Princess On Dolphin
A Fraps recording of twilight princess on my computer. This Movie is sped up and...
| 2.13 min. | 30014 views.

Zelda Twilight Princess on Gamecube
Works Fine, slows down a little bit in the city. my system: AMD Phenom II X3 720...
| 5.48 min. | 16900 views.

Zelda Twilight Princess On Dolphin
This is a demo of me playing Zelda - Twilight Princess on Dolphin64 (v1.03.2 64 ...
| 2.37 min. | 38147 views.

zelda twilight princess full speed
In this video i will sow you my zelda tp settings its slow because of recording....
| 1.60 min. | 1598 views.

Dolphin SVN R 3908 - The Legend of
*NGC Version* Playable. 50 fps. Bug Sound....
| 8.80 min. | 1572 views.

The Legend of Zelda Twilight Prince
.buenaspeliculas.net ----------- este video se trata de como configurar The L...
| 6.32 min. | 7634 views.

Re: Zelda Twilight Princess On Dolp
A Fraps recording of twilight princess on my computer. This Movie is sped up and...
| 2.42 min. | 6092 views.

The Legend of Zelda - Twilight of P
Final Battles against Ganondorf part 1...
| 9.80 min. | 4215 views.

The Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princ
TP played on the Dolphin emulator. There is no bloom effect here, since i disabl...
| 1.02 min. | 11636 views.

Zelda Twilight Princess on Dolphin
Part of the 1st stage of the Gamecube version running on Dolphin revision 3950...
| 9.80 min. | 1440 views.
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