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Make a Water Rocket Nozzle - Part 1
This video tutorial shows you how to easily make a 9mm Gardena nozzle for a wate...
| 8.30 min. | 11855 views.

Make a Water Rocket Nozzle - Part 2
This video tutorial shows you how to easily modify a Gardena launcher if you are...
| 3.40 min. | 9558 views.

Huge 2 stage water rocket
Air Command Water Rockets launches a 24L booster with a 2.5L second stage to ~63...
| 4.80 min. | 75949 views.

Water Rocket Construction - Splicin
Air Command Water Rockets demonstrates how to splice two bottles together. For m...
| 8.48 min. | 96430 views.

Water Rocket Launcher Details
Air Command Water Rockets describes their new flexible launcher used for launchi...
| 7.38 min. | 21239 views.

Water Rocket - 2 stage
Testing the Mk2. Staging mechanism with a bigger booster and sustainer. More det...
| 3.28 min. | 13884 views.

Water Rocket Zero-G Experiments
Air Command Water Rockets flies a Zero-G payload onboard a water rocket. Full de...
| 3.88 min. | 7806 views.

2 stage cluster water rocket to 810
Acceleron V and Axion IVb fly to 787' and 810' using 120psi. For full details vi...
| 5.25 min. | 4963 views.

Water Rocket with Boosters
Air Command Water Rockets flies the Polaron IV rocket with 3 drop away boosters....
| 4.18 min. | 19931 views.

water rocket - Hyperon
Hyperon test flights. Visit: .AirCommandRockets for more details...
| 3.70 min. | 23546 views.

Water rocket foam test flights
Air Command Water Rockets compares water-only water rockets and foam powered wat...
| 3.20 min. | 8469 views.