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Savage Sisters (1974) Edited Traile
Sublime slice of sleaze, wherein three sexy revolutionaries, erm, kick people, b...
| 4.22 min. | 3114 views.

Carry On Emmannuelle (1978) Edited
The final film in the first wave of "Carry On" comedies, is this spoof of the Fr...
| 2.85 min. | 146 views.

The Devil in Miss Jones (1973) Edit
See my full review of "The Devil in Miss Jones" here: grindhouseschoolhouse.blog...
| 1.70 min. | 3061 views.

8 to 4 (9 to 5 parody) Annette Have
.facebook grindhouseschoolhouse.blogspot Fan trailer put together by ...
| 1.63 min. | 12350 views.

Peaches and Cream (1981 - Annette H
A true classic by Gary Graver, starring Annette Haven as a farmgirl who flees a ...
| 2.80 min. | 3143 views.

Vista Valley PTA (1981) Edited Trai
Directed by the great Anthony Spinelli, this adult take-off of "Harper Valley PT...
| 2.10 min. | 2014 views.

A Dirty Western (1975) Edited Trail
Interesting adult shoot-em-up starring the elusive Barbara Bourbon. .facebook...
| 1.62 min. | 1276 views.

Sometime Sweet Susan (1974) Edited
In a rather good bit of adult drama, Shawn Harris plays both the catatonic Susan...
| 3.95 min. | 434 views.

Nothing to Hide (1981) Edited Trail
In the TRUE sequel to the classic "Talk Dirty To Me," the slightly-challenged Le...
| 3.33 min. | 505 views.

Wanda Whips Wall Street (1982) Edit
Wanda gets ahead on Wall Street by giving head on Wall Street. Classic (and hila...
| 2.35 min. | 1101 views.