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The Crist Family-He is Good
Rising star family performing one of their signature songs in January of 2008 fo...
| 2.82 min. | 14949 views.

Hope's Call-You Are Loved
This is their hit single recorded live in Branson for the Magnificent Gospel Sho...
| 4.17 min. | 13640 views.

The Martins-I Could Sing of Your Lo
Classic praise and worship song as only The Martins can do it. Rare performance ...
| 3.77 min. | 62348 views.

Gold City-Good Ol' Gospel Song
Signature piece by this legendary group. Great bass solo. Recorded in late 2007 ...
| 2.82 min. | 45256 views.

The Galloways-When I Get Up to Heav
This one will bring you out of your chair. Great song and performance from May o...
| 8.10 min. | 6470 views.

Classic Imperials-Listen to the Tru
Great P,C&D tune performed by a legendary group. This was recorded in May 2007 i...
| 2.82 min. | 28212 views.

Legacy 5-Oh Say But Im Glad
Recorded in February 2008 for the Magnificent Gospel Showcase on Angel2...
| 2.38 min. | 16256 views.

Mike and Kelly Bowling-I Remember t
Recorded in December of 2007 for the Magnificent Gospel Showcase on Angel2...
| 3.32 min. | 13663 views.

Crossway-Looks Like Love to Me
Recorded live in Branson for Magnificent Gospel Showcase in February of 2008...
| 3.03 min. | 7638 views.