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Pretty Cure Splash Star Opening Sai
The Pretty Cure Splash Star Opening with Sailor Moon SHAUNI THIS IS FOR YOU...
| 1.33 min. | 4184 views.

DALI & Me - Moonlight Densetsu (Sun
Well, the Title says it all .. im singing Moonlight Densetsu!This is my first so...
| 1.48 min. | 471 views.

ã?ªã?ªã?¤ã?„ ?★ドãƒãƒƒãƒ— ¹ -
I subbed the opening of Nanatsuiro Drops so you can sing along. Info : Title of ...
| 2.08 min. | 1203 views.

Sailor Moon Quick Transform (Classi
This video was requested by PooKiePo0. This is another quick transformation vide...
| 1.23 min. | 1047 views.

My Profile Picture (WOAH! Original!
This is MY Profile Picture.Go get ur own! :]...
| 0.37 min. | 61 views.

New Profile Picture
Yes, now My Theme is Blue....
| 0.07 min. | 50 views.
U-Little my Star Full Ver.
The Full Opening of the game Djibril 2 - Jiburiru the Devil Angel - Ep. 2. Dont ...
| 3.45 min. | 49177 views.

He is My Master - Trust(Instrumenta
The Instrumental Version of the Opening song! Dont spam me where I got this....
| 4.35 min. | 3220 views.

Sailor Moon - Moonlight Densetsu (R
My entry for guardianofthemoon's contest....
| 3.35 min. | 4823 views.

Peace@Pieces LYRICS full version
The full version of the opening song....
| 3.65 min. | 7020 views.

Lady Badiyanu Dies
From The Sailor Moon SuperS Movie . The Double Moon Gorgeous meditation...
| 2.92 min. | 4674 views.

Sailor Moon's Final Battle ~Galaxia
This is Sailor Moon's ultimate battle, with Galaxia.I just added music, thats al...
| 6.58 min. | 2127 views.