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WOTLK PVP: Feral vs Rogue + Resto d
Just testing Wecame client out, just happened to have decent 1v2 against quite n...
| 5.03 min. | 2110 views.

Fotm 3.2 vs RMP @ 2400 rating in 3v
Single Team 3 times: Fotm ThreePointTwo vs TEAM SCRUB ELITE face. We are feral d...
| 8.45 min. | 5041 views.

WotLK PvP - Sint's 5 : Faceroll
Battleground, crit and faceroll oriented. My fifth World of Warcraft movie about...
| 8.90 min. | 14457 views.

Vintage vs Sartharion with 1 drake
Our first Sartharion 10 man kill with one drake alive, just to show guild mates ...
| 6.60 min. | 7878 views.

Sint Feral Druid PVP 02 @ 3.0.2
So I Play on EU-Lightning's Blade as nelf druid Sint. This is my second pvp vide...
| 9.93 min. | 10478 views.

Anzu Speedrun 9 mins and 40 secs Ho
This is me soloing Anzu (the Raven Lord) as feral in ~10mins. Vid also explains ...
| 4.82 min. | 915 views.

Fotm vs 4 Teams @ 2500 rating in 3v
This clip also contains some games that we lost (got request), but also 2 games ...
| 7.13 min. | 2887 views.

Fotm 3.2 vs RMP @ 2500 rating in 3v
Single Arena: Fotm ThreePointTwo vs OKAY IF BALLS DONT TOUCH. We are feral druid...
| 2.70 min. | 1632 views.

2 Druids and a Hunter 3v3 @ 2.2k wo
Feral + Resto + Marksman 3v3 arena. We are playing against teams with 2k-2.5k mm...
| 9.77 min. | 6357 views.

2 Druids and a Hunter 3v3 @ 2.2k wo
Feral + Resto + Marksman 3v3 arena. We are playing against teams with 2k-2.5k mm...
| 9.62 min. | 7195 views.
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