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Cool New Features for YouTube Nonpr
We're introducing two new features for YouTube Nonprofit Partners -- the ability...
| 4.85 min. | 1243 views.
AgentChange, Reporting for Duty
I'm Ramya, the new Nonprofits and Activism Manager at YouTube. If you're a 501c3...
| 3.07 min. | 24512 views.
Agent Change at the Polls
A glimpse of early voting in California...
| 4.48 min. | 44 views.
Society - LIVE NOV 22 5PM PST 8 PM
HD Version: .youtube How Society is broken into 2 parts: MEDICAL and GENE...
| 9.42 min. | 101 views.
Live at the In My Name Launch Event
We kicked off our newest YouTube nonprofit initiative, In My Name, today with a ...
| 1.55 min. | 2429 views.
Project for Awesome 2008
AgentChange's submission to the vlogbrothers' Project for Awesome!...
| 3.82 min. | 850 views.
Palm Pre (Rooted) with Tweaks
This is my Palm Pre that I rooted, modded, and tweaked to be one of the best pho...
| 9.95 min. | 4892 views.
Mark Kleis, Super Agent for the FIE
Watch this video start to finish and you will see how to become the next AGENT O...
| 5.47 min. | 3970 views.
UCF Presents - Former Skinhead
Angela, King discusses how she joined a skinhead group and how in prison, she tu...
| 21.87 min. | 571 views.
Chris-tian is an Agent of Change
Meet Chris-tian. He's a bit of a try hard and he takes things too literally. Che...
| 3.85 min. | 678 views.
Agents of Change: Ami Patel
The Greenlining Multimedia Academy presents a series that highlights the outstan...
| 3.80 min. | 340 views.
Just when I thought I knew sirgimpy, I find this video he had tucked away where ...
| 4.23 min. | 1186 views.