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Just Because
Belly Dancing for Just Because - Hartlepool 10th January 2009...
| 4.98 min. | 1027 views.

Studio Lighting part 4 of 8
Studio Lighting demonstration by Ken Henderson APAGB. Recorded in the UK on 9th ...
| 9.78 min. | 68812 views.

Studio Lighting Part 3 of 8
Studio Lighting demonstration by Ken Henderson APAGB. Recorded in the UK on 9th ...
| 8.78 min. | 57294 views.

Studio Lighting Part 5 of 8
Studio Lighting demonstration by Ken Henderson APAGB. Recorded in the UK on 9th ...
| 8.42 min. | 38179 views.

Studio Lighting Part 2 of 8
Studio Lighting demonstration by Ken Henderson APAGB. Recorded in the UK on 9th ...
| 10.05 min. | 77835 views.

Studio Lighting Part 8 of 8
Studio Lighting demonstration by Ken Henderson APAGB. Recorded in the UK on 9th ...
| 6.12 min. | 33443 views.

Studio Lighting Part 7of 8
Studio Lighting demonstration by Ken Henderson APAGB. Recorded in the UK on 9th ...
| 8.63 min. | 33041 views.

Studio Lighting Part 6 of 8
Studio Lighting demonstration by Ken Henderson APAGB. Recorded in the UK on 9th ...
| 9.07 min. | 37020 views.

Camera Metering
A basic guide to the principles of camera metering...
| 3.43 min. | 15784 views.

Studio Lighting Part 1 of 8
Studio Lighting demonstration by Ken Henderson APAGB. Recorded in the UK on 9th ...
| 8.08 min. | 169187 views.
Shutter and Aperture
This clips covers the basics of camera shutter speeds and lens apertures and the...
| 2.37 min. | 201008 views.

The Enjoying Photography "Puffin Ru
Short video of the "Puffin Run" to the Farne Islands, Saturday 23rd June 2007...
| 9.87 min. | 2396 views.