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History Channel - 2012 and Earth Ch
History Channel - 2012 and Earth Changes (Part 1 of 3)...
| 10.00 min. | 479419 views.

History Channel (Hooked) - Marijuan
(History Channel) - Hooked - Illegal Drugs & How They Got That Way - Marihuana...
| 9.98 min. | 326355 views.

Dogfight From the History Channel
Dogfights from big-brother...
| 7.72 min. | 880127 views.

The Battle Of Thermopylae 1
An historical documentary film from History Channel about the Spartans and the l...
| 9.30 min. | 351400 views.

Yellowstone Super Volcano Alert - H
YELLOWSTONE SPECIAL ALERT - 01.23.2010 - USGS reports well over a thousand earth...
| 10.22 min. | 354030 views.

Lake Peigneur (disappearing lake) H
History Channel footage of the Lake Peigneur, Louisiana lake that got sucked int...
| 5.78 min. | 634775 views.

History Channel - 9 11 Myths Part 1
The JFK Assassination was done by one Hick and 9 11 was conducted by Bin Laden H...
| 5.62 min. | 71177 views.

History Channel - secret societies
Illuminati HC playing the game - new world order - illuminati - bilderberg group...
| 8.92 min. | 81370 views.

Who Killed The Maya? The History Ch
Great doc about the destruction of the Mayan civilization. DISCLAIMER, WARNINGS,...
| 10.97 min. | 121668 views.

History Channel - The Plague part 1
Documentary from the History Channel...
| 5.02 min. | 92955 views.

Jason Martell on the History Channe
Jason Martell explains his research...
| 0.88 min. | 281901 views.

History Channel Decisive Battles At
History Channel Decisive Battles Attila The Hun Part 1...
| 10.35 min. | 70709 views.