
Anni and Ulf Jensen-Munk's Wedding
The Wedding Video I made in Malawi for Anni and Ulf with a few messages from the...
| 7.98 min. | 145 views.
Village Ladies Dancing
The Chiphikira Village Ladies Dancing after the distribution of clothes, soap an...
| 0.38 min. | 9737 views.

Mlanda Liverpool Football Team
Our boys...the Mlanda Liverpool football team, after we gave them their new kit....
| 0.20 min. | 557 views.

ladies dancing
chiphikira traditional ngombi dance at the aids awareness day...
| 0.32 min. | 189 views.

Aids Awareness March
The Aids awareness march through the Mlanda Village, Summer 2006 in Malawi. We o...
| 0.18 min. | 70 views.

Aids awareness march
Aids awareness march, in Malawi summer 2006....
| 0.23 min. | 21 views.

charles blowing bubbles
ledgend that is charles...an awesome boy fascinated blowing bubbles...
| 0.10 min. | 69 views.

Jams in her palace
Jams in Blenheim!...
| 0.08 min. | 52 views.
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