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Circuit Carole 1:11.5
A few laps of the circuit Carole onboard my '04 ZX-10R....
| 8.72 min. | 867 views.
KTM supermoto vs ZX-10R
A lap of the "Ecuyers" circuit following a KTM supermoto onboard my ZX-10R. Film...
| 2.28 min. | 256885 views.

Cricuit Carole ZX-10R following Lud
Filmed on the 20 jan 2008. The first two laps I follow my freind Ludo on his GSX...
| 10.05 min. | 12549 views.

ZX-10R Lurcy Levis 1min21.1s
A few laps of the Lurcy Levis race track filmed onboard my Kawasaki ZX-10R. Film...
| 7.57 min. | 4127 views.

onboard my R1 at the circuit Carole
A few laps with my stock 2004 R1 at the circuit Carole race track. Filmed on jun...
| 8.10 min. | 6275 views.

Cricuit Carole ZX-10R following nee
Filmed on january 12 2008 at the circuit carole on board my ZX-10R. In this sess...
| 6.27 min. | 9274 views.

Circuit Folembray ZX-10R
This session was filmed onboard my road ZX-10R during a track day "introduction"...
| 9.37 min. | 4737 views.

ZX-10R circuit Ecuyers 2min03.9s
My fastest recorded lap onboard my ZX-10R at the "Ecuyers" circuit that opened i...
| 2.37 min. | 3675 views.

onboard R1 circuit Carole following
Onboard an R1 at the circuit Carole, following Pivers. Pivers is running a road ...
| 9.97 min. | 3155 views.

R1 at the circuit Carole (low resol
High quality version: .youtube...
| 8.08 min. | 11649 views.

R1 2009 test drive briefing by Serg
test drive of the Yamaha R1 2009 during the "Adrenaline Tour". This is a compila...
| 9.80 min. | 9987 views.

ZX-10R following Ludo at Folembray
This session was filmed onboard my road ZX-10R during a track day "introduction"...
| 9.65 min. | 2594 views.