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Haiti earthquake... support and don
please help to rebuild Haiti...tomorrow it can happen to us.....
| 5.57 min. | 349 views.

heart sounds assessment -1
heart assessment...
| 1.47 min. | 36308 views.

Mechanical Ventilation -APRV 1
| 8.05 min. | 26997 views.

mechanical ventilation 1
| 5.43 min. | 24090 views.

ascultation - breath sounds
ascultation - one of the most important assessment done on patients...
| 1.95 min. | 52549 views.

respiratory physical assessment
assessment technics...
| 7.97 min. | 37608 views.

assessment - heart
heart sounds...
| 3.28 min. | 9668 views.

mechanical ventilation 2
| 5.30 min. | 18580 views.

why work as respiratory therapist ?
life saver in hospitals.....
| 4.63 min. | 10705 views.

mechanical ventilation - APRV 2
| 8.12 min. | 10867 views.

ascultation posterior thorax
ascultation technic - posterior...
| 3.15 min. | 9322 views.

assessment heart sounds 3
heart sounds...
| 3.10 min. | 11088 views.