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Elive 2 - lightweight and effective
I tested Elive 2 Livecd and i think its really great. Effects do not require 3D ...
| 4.40 min. | 1545 views.

E17 Desktop on Arch Linux
This is my new desktop on Arch Linux inspired by Elive 2 :) Enlightement is avai...
| 2.32 min. | 1808 views.

Qmmp - Winamp for Linux! ( Ubuntu,
Qmmp is compatibile with Winamp playlists and classic skins! You can use classic...
| 3.52 min. | 851 views.

[NVIDIA] How to connect TV screen t
Connecting TV as screen on PC Laptop. You need VGA-VGA or DVI-DVI or HDMI-HDMI c...
| 4.87 min. | 94 views.

Progress at SG:2D ( Stargate mod fo
Im creating a mod for Counter-Strike 2D. Features: - Dialing the Stargates - Inf...
| 1.65 min. | 609 views.

DOS like Shell under Linux
Wine is not an emulator, its only winapi, directx implementation. To run DOS lik...
| 1.60 min. | 196 views.

Xbill - funny administrator like mi
This game *must* play all unix* administrators, its perfect : D You must prevent...
| 5.25 min. | 178 views.

Test: Sony Ericsson k610i as modem
Testing Sony Ericsson k610i on Ubuntu Linux 10.04 No any problems with instalati...
| 0.95 min. | 31 views.

[Arczi] How to copy files between p
Polish "monolog" with english subtitles ; - ) Arczi Linux is an lightweight Linu...
| 2.62 min. | 73 views.

[ArmagetronAD] "Benchmark" test: W.
Armagetron Advanced FPS test on three OS'es: - Microsoft Windows Vista - Ubuntu ...
| 3.15 min. | 75 views.

Wine: SGC Simulator on Ubuntu 9.10
Stargate Command Simulator running on Wine on Ubuntu Linux 9.10 This is a great ...
| 3.15 min. | 197 views.

How to delete an object from a phot
Using resynthesizer filter you can easily remove object from photo or image. To ...
| 3.43 min. | 1473 views.