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How-to: Everyday Visual Kei make-up
This is just a request I got from LJ, this is how I do make-up ... every day, so...
| 6.65 min. | 59652 views.

visual kei makeup tutorial
.myspace afunfun .facebook afunfun profiles.friendster ~~~my 1...
| 9.37 min. | 209956 views.

Visual-kei Aristocrat make-up Wind
Tutorial on Visual make-up and windy hair. Inspired by a lot of Jrockers like Ga...
| 8.38 min. | 396721 views.

Basic Visual-kei hair and make-up t
Ruki make-up and hair inspired tutorial requested by CurseSealELiTE, 010easySile...
| 6.90 min. | 153743 views.

Style Council - Kisaki make up(Phan
They formed in November of 2004 and their first single "Material Pain" was relea...
| 8.45 min. | 211688 views.

Visual-kei make-up hair for glasses
Finally a new video after my long absence. I am very sorry, dear roses. But here...
| 7.62 min. | 14633 views.

Basic Visual Kei Makeup Tutorial
very very basic...if you are in a rush or something, this is good i guess. some ...
| 3.18 min. | 4030 views.

Side spikes basic make-up Visual-ke
Requested by jwhluv508 Hair inspired by Jui from Vidoll in Blue Star PV. This ha...
| 7.27 min. | 88203 views.

How to do JRock Visual Kei Make Up
| 8.30 min. | 26578 views.

Double eyeline Make-up Tutorial (Di
Thanks for watching my tutorial before. Here are another tutorial for Double Eye...
| 7.72 min. | 12987 views.

Visual kei make-up tutorial (view F
Woow over 170000 views!! Thanks everyone!! ^^ A visual kei inspired make up base...
| 6.22 min. | 193135 views.

visual kei make up tutorial
PEOPLE PLEASE, don't ask about song names. they're all written in the end of thi...
| 8.63 min. | 14729 views.
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